Under the baton of its resident conductor, Mr Mike Chiang, NYPCO aspires to achieve even greater heights of excellence each year. Known for his bold artistic vision and fresh dynamic interpretations of classical Chinese music, Mr Chiang collaborated and struck notes with NYPCO members to introduce western music, Chinese pop, evergreen songs and even Japanese and Korean pop pieces into their repertoire.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Those who need the originals of the songs that we are playing for the concert can leave a tag with ur email i will send it to u :)
Sunday, December 24, 2006
Gen Is Organizing a BBQ!~
Who says celebrations are coming to an END??
2007 countdown party.
Date: 31th December 2006(Sunday)
Activities: BBQ* + countdown
Venue: yet to be confirmed.
Time: 5pm till DAWN!!
(For those who cant stay with us for the countdown, we still do encourage you to JOIN IN THE FUN WITH US!! Of course u dun have to stay all the way TILL DAWN. U can pack n go after the countdown. NO RESTRICTIONS!! Own time own target!!)
* subjected to change. (90% BBQ, 10% not-known-yet activities)
If we were to have BBQ, you will need to contribute a small sum of money for the food and beverages. The sum of money to be contributed IS NOT CONFIRMED for the time being. BUT I CAN ASSURE YOU THAT IT WILL BE $10 or less.
As this is a self-organized party, NYPCO will NOT hold any responsibilities to ANYTHING THAT GONNA HAPPEN TO YOU. There will be NO consent forms given so PLEASE SEEK YOUR PARENTS’ PERMISSION B4 YOU DECIDED TO ‘TON’ OUTSIDE!! Let them know that you are not involved with any “SAM SENGS” of any clan. Assure them that you are capable of taking responsibilities of yourself.
Interested parties,
You can look for GENEVIENE, XINGER and SHERRYL in CO ROOM during practice days or
find other better ways to get them.
(for example – msn, sms, etc.)
Saturday, December 16, 2006
you are reminded to:
1. tell ur sectional leaders the amount of tickets you need for the reminiscenes concert.
2.give $10 to your sectional leaders for the CO Windbreaker
3. Please be reminded that attendance for both sectional and combine practice is VERY IMPORTANT. The attendance for todays combine practice is very bad. It will be very hard for Mr Chiang to conduct the combine practice if he is to repeat the same things practice after practice when members dont make their effort to come
4. Practice on saturdays will be frm 9.30 to 4.30 with a break between 12.30 to 1.30 starting from next saturday 23 dec 2006
5. We will be having christmas celebration next saturday. there will be christmas log cake and stuff... Also, we will be playing Christmas gift exchange. Gift prices are to be min.$5. Please bring a gift along to play!
Jacqueline Leow
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
regarding tickets
If you are still wondering where to get tickets for the annual concert,
please let ur sectional leaders know the number of tickets u need by this coming saturday's practice. If u want to ensure that u have the amount of tickets u need, book them early and get ur section's members to cooperate so that the numbers will reach me asap :)
also another IMPORTANT point to note please give realistic figures that you can ensure that the number of tickets u ask for u are able to have that number of people coming.
we have all put in alot of effort in to practising and preparing the concert. it YOUR concert get your friends to come and support.
For other enquires u can leave a tag on the tag board with a name that i can recognise so that i can get back to u or call me @ 98259281
Jacqueline Leow
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Practise for Tomorrow 13/12/2006
there is combined practise tomorrow from 6.30pm to 9.30pm.
See you guys there
Monday, December 11, 2006
i would like to thanks those helpers and sectional leaders who help out in planning, buying , checking and calling to make sure our esplanade concert run smoothly ....you know who you are...Every single one of you deserver a big thank you from me *hug*=D
Also would like to thanks all members for cooperating with us well in able the whole concert to run smoothly.......thanks a million~!
so lets us shout~:
three cheers
three cheers
three cheers
WE CAN DO IT !!!!!
Yours sincerely
Sunday, December 10, 2006
regarding Uniform
regarding to uniform, please be reminded that the uniform will be wear during annual concert also....so please take good care of your uniform.
Also please be reminded that the uniform can only be HAND WASHED....and also use warm Iron of ur uniform, otherwise you have to do another uniform for annual concert which is really waste of money.
Wednesday, December 06, 2006
Esplanade detail for Members
For those aready d/l the document , sorry that trouble you all. I decided to post every thing on the blog so that u all no need to be so " ma fan" worried on how to open the document.=P
Information for members to know:
> Dress code :
Upper body: Tube, spaghetti top, razor back
Lower body: Long pants, long skirt.
Shoes: black covered-toes shoes. (With stockings to prevent blisters. Preferable BLACK in color)
*No accessories (necklace, ear-rings, rings, bracelets, anklets) are allow to wear during the concert
*No colored nail.(transparent colors are acceptable. STRICKLY NO SOLID colors)
*No wearing of watches and no bringing of handphones during performance.
Upper body: Black Chinese collar T-shirt
Lower body: Black Long pants
Shoes: Black covered shoes(BLACK SOCKS)
*No accessories (eg. DIAMOND STUD, RINGS) are allow to wear during the concert
For the ladies,
> Make-Up:
- basic foundation(with the sponge)
· Will be provided by NYPCO, BUT, use it at your own risk!
- Lipstick (compulsory)
· Will not be provided AT ALL!
Saturday schedule:
After combine practice, pack your own instrument.
Actual Day:
> Report in school at 8am
> All members need to help out on moving instruments.
> Boys are helping to carry all heavy instruments
> Girls are helping to carry scores and hand carried instruments
Rules to follow at esplanade:
1. Please DO not bring valuable things (example jewelry). NYPCO will not responsible on members who lost their valuable things,
2. Scan your card when you are going out of esplanade
3. Behave yourself in esplanade as we are representing NYP
4. No eating inside the dressing room. Lunches are held at green room.
5. Please be at back stage at 2pm, clear stage at 2pm.
6. Ladies are to put up make up on.
please click on the hyperlink to download the full document file for esplanade schedule and things that members should know before going to the concert.
password will release today combine practice or you can get it from any nyp_co members =)
lets work hard and perform the the best for this coming concert
yours sincerely
Monday, December 04, 2006
Additional Practice Dates
Due to beautiful sunday this Sun, there will be extra combine practice this week
Combine practice will be on: wed,Fri,Sat
All members are to report to CO room 8am SHARP on Sunday
Thanks :)
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Friday, November 03, 2006
SCO Conductor Series The Winds Breathe On
04 Nov 2006
SCO Concert HallSingapore Conference Hall
TICKET PRICE (Exclude Booking Fee)
Standard - S$35, S$25, S$20, S$16, S$12
Please add to above price $2 Booking Fee for tickets above $20 and $1 Booking Fee for tickets below $20. Charges include GST where applicable.
S$14, S$9 per ticket for Senior Citizens aged 55 years old and above, Students aged above 6 years old and NS Men[Discount is applicable for Cat 4 and 5 only]
If you buying tickets at the price of $12 and $16.. you can choose roll O to Y seat 29- 36 * around there* If you are viewing percussion ,guo gu ,cello
roll O to Y seat 1 to 16 *around there* if you are viewing suona ,dizi,erhu,gu zhen
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Lets stay healty and Keep FIT !!~
- Sleep early
- Drink more water
- Eat more fruit & Vegetable
- Do more excise
Lets keep fit and stay good condition for our up coming PERFORMANCE!!!!!
( ^_^ ) v
From NYPCO committees
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Deadline for esplanade arties pass
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Repertoire For Annual Concert( 12 Jan 2006)
Nanyang Polytechnic Chinese Orchestra presents
15th Anniversary Concert 2007
Music Director/Conductor: Mr Mike Chiang
《鼓?三?》Percussion Ensemble No.3
《Teresa Tang’s medley》
《Elvis Presley medley》
《Drama series Medley》
Repertoire For Beautiful Sunday Perfomance (10 Dec 2006)
Beautiful Sunday
Esplanade Concert Hall
Music Director/Conductor: Mr Mike Chiang
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
co camp 2006 video
Let's see how our zhong hu Gentlemen yu fei "sa jiao" to our Bass lady Syean
Girls version of BBM
Boys version of BBM but is a NG version
Boys version of BBM
hai dai game:Xiao pang VS hui ying
The longest and funniest among all =P
Alex Vs xiao ma
more videos coming up! so please stay tune!
co camp 2006 photo
First of all i have to say sorry to u all becoz now then i upload all the co camp 2006 photo at nyp_co webshot account....sorry ah .....too busy that's why i took so long to upload....hope u all don't mind
here is the link
enjoy !
one more thing , video will upload ASAP and i will post it in the blog.....these video will need abit longer time due to the file to big
yours sincerely
Monday, September 04, 2006
Practice dates for WRC performance
These are the ppl involve in the performance.
1. He Qiang Da Gu
2. Koen Da Gu
3. Sherryl Da Gu
4. Wei Wei Da Gu
5. Weilin Jian Gu
6. Ying Xin Pai Gu
7. Xing Er Bian Gu
8. Teck Han Bian Gu
9. Hai Ping Bian Gu
10. Taurus Bian Gu
11. ying Chiong Bian Gu
12. Ming Chong Bian Gu
13. Ka Ching Bian Gu
14. Jia Yi Bian Gu
15. Si ying Bian Gu
16. Jones* Bian Gu
*To be confirm
Taugh by:
3pm to 5.30pm or 9.30- 10.30pm
Ying Xin
6.30pm to 9.30pm
Mr Shen
1pm to 4.30pm
Ying Xin
9.30pm to 10.30pm
6.30pm to 9.30pm
6.30pm to 9.30pm
3pm to 5.30pm
Ying Xin
6.30pm to 9.30pm
Mr Shen
6.30pm to 9.30pm
9.30am to 2pm
6.30pm to 9.30pm
Ying Xin/Xiao pang
6.30pm to 9.30pm
Mr Shen
6.30pm to 9.30pm
Ying Xin/Xiao pang
9.30am to 2pm
6.30pm to 9.30pm
2nd Last reheral
6.30pm to 9.30pm
Last reheral
For more detail, please e-mail me if you have any doubt.
2. NYPCO Annual camp 2006
8 September 2006 Friday to 10 September 2006 Sunday
Reporting time : 2.00 pm sharp
Pls bring your lanyards
Pls be punctual (If are on attachment or are unable to attend any days of the camp for any reason pls inform your sectional leaders)
Please be reminded that you are not allowed to leave the campus anytime during the 3 days camp. In the event that you have to leave the campus for emergency matters, please inform the camp commandant(rui xiang) or the 3 ps( me , wei lin and he qiang). otherwise please stay in the campus at all times
If you leave the campus without our acknowlegement NYPCO management and the sch management will not bare any responsiblity if accident happens.
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
updates...Pls take note
World road conference performance ( percussion only)
Date: 27 september 2006
Reporting time:8 am ( we have to reach Expo by 9am)
Repertoire: Gu Yue
Attire: to be confirm
Annual CO camp 2006
8 to 10 september 2006
Venue: school
Reporting time: to be confirm
pls submit ur indemity forms to rui xiang latest by 30th august 2006
Beautiful Sunday performance
Date: 10 December 2006
Venue: The Esplanade concert hall
Repertoire : to be confirm
This is for the full orchestra
Monday, July 24, 2006
our very shuai project super star Jun Yang is having campus concert in nyp!!!!!!
Wednesday, 26 July 2006
3.00 pm!!!!
I have 20 tickets those who are interested to go for the concert please leave your name in the taggy!!!!
Friday, July 21, 2006
Very important notice
The BB Cares Performance tomorrow will be CANCELLED
However, there will be spring cleaning for CO room tommorrow those involve please reach ar
by 9.30am sharp.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Practice Dates
To ensure that everyone has time to study for the upcoming exams and common test,
pls kindly note that: Practice will
stop on 28 July 2006
Resume on 28 August 2006.
All Sectional leaders please kindly remind and inform all members and instructors about these dates
and also, Remember to work hard for ur exams and test and we will have fun @ nypco camp from 8 september to 11 september.
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Impt Notice
Some updates for our upcoming performance......
22 July 2006 - BB Cares performance @ botanical gardens.
We have to reach botanical gardens by 11am therefore the buses will leave the school at 10 am sharp.
All members please be at CO room at 9.30 am sharp to tune and prepare your instruments.
Repertiore for this perfomance: Mambo No.5
when you believe
colours of the wind
Attire : Green CO T-shirts, Jeans and covered shoes.
Reporting time : 9.30 am SHARP( please do not be late)
any 1 who needs to go to the botanical gardens by themselves please arrange with your sectional leaders.
2 way transport will be provided. Those who wan to go home straight from the botanical garden please inform teck han
The perfomance will end around 4pm
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Boys Brigade Cares Performance
Date: 22 July 2006 (coming Saturday)
Attire: Green CO T-Shirt with long jeans and covered shoes.
Assemble at CO Room at 10am sharp.
Performance ends at 4pm.
Remember to come on time. Thank You.
For more information, find Teck Han or Heqiang, thanks.
Monday, July 10, 2006
Chankat Changi Sec Sch Concert
Date: 28 July 2006
Time: Around 7pm (to be confirm, tickets will be stated)
Cost: $15
Interested please contact Shao long( bass player) by this week
Tel: 96824139
E-mail: shaolong-yaoming@hotmail.com
Saturday, July 08, 2006
SCO up coming events
I'm here to annouce some of the FREE ADMISSION events that SCO Organize to celebrate their 10th anniversary celebrations ~!
here are some of the detail~
- SCO In Retrospect ExhibitionRelieve olden times as you look at past photos of the Singapore Chinese Orchestra. The photos on display captured precious moments in the history of the orchestra since it was incepted in 1996.
Date : 29 Jul 06 – 2 Aug 06
Venue : SCH ConcourseFree Admission
- Chinese Musical Instruments ExhibitionBringing you the musical instrument replicas of Tang dynasty to the Imperial Repository - the Shosoin, discover the beauty of ancient artifacts and some of the most significant antique instruments specially flown in from China. The highlights of the exhibition are the four large-scaled instruments, namely the erhu, zhongruan, drum and dizi, which measure 4metres in height.
Be ready for a jaw-dropping experience with us!
Date : 29 Jul 06 – 2 Aug 06
Time : 10.00am – 9.00pm
Venue : SCH Concourse & Exhibition Hall
Free Admission
- The Secret Arts of the Erhu Maker” WorkshopGet a glimpse into the history, art and science of erhu making as eminent erhu maker Wang Genxing conducts this workshop in Mandarin. Displaying the highest standards of craftsmanship, Wang shall demonstrate the covering of erhu resonator body with python skin on the spot.
Date : 29 Jul 06 (Saturday) or30 Jul 06 (Sunday)
Time : 11.45am – 2.00pm
Venue : SCH Exhibition Hall
Free Admission
- Live Music Performances by Dunhuang XinyuInjecting new life into the mysterious and alluring traditional Chinese music, witness how Dunhuang Xinyu Ensemble display their dexterity on the replicas of antique Chinese musical instruments! Exemplifying a novel musical performance style, the ensemble which consists of 5 graduates from Shanghai Conservatory of Music, is bound to give a fresh lease of life to traditional music realm.
29 Jul 06 (Sat)
30 Jul 06 (Sun)
31 Jul 06 (Mon)
1 Aug 06 (Tue)
2 Aug 06 (Wed)
3.30pm5.00pmSCH ConcourseFree Admission
- Exhibition ForumKnowledge sharing, lively discussions and expert opinions – the exhibition forum is here, with speakers from Shanghai National No.1 Musical Instruments Factory (SNMIF). The 30-minute session forum explores various aspects of Chinese musical instruments, which include the origin, development, sound tone, maintenance and many more. Post your questions and let the experts answer them!
29 Jul 06 (Sat)
30 Jul 06 (Sun)
31 Jul 06 (Mon)
1 Aug 06 (Tue)
2 Aug 06 (Wed)
2.00pm7.00pmSCH ConcourseFree Admission
well more information, please feel free to visit http://www.sco.com.sg/co_flavours.asp
yours sincerely
weilin ^_^
Friday, July 07, 2006
Cultural Tour
venue: NYP / Chinatown
date: 22July
no.of ppl: At least 2 rep
Amt: $4/= per person
time: 10am to 2pm
We really need people to support them, pls tell me by sunday or asap before sun evening, i need to submit the name on monday morning. Again.. set b student are encouraged to go. It's fun hanging out there ya
Chinese Orchestra
Cheshire Home
Date & Day: 8 July 2006 (Saturday)
Time of Performance: 14 00 to 16 00 (Duration: 120 min)
Venue: The Singapore Cheshire Home
Objective / Purpose: Let members have a chance to do community service and at the same time gain performing experience.
Address (If external): 159, Serangoon Garden Way, Singapore 556056.
Scale of performance: Mini Ensemble
Total No. of students: 20
Conductor(s): Teck Han, Sherryl
Attire: Green CO T Shirt + jeans, covered shoes.
Please meet at CO room at 11:30am sharp for final practice!
Friday, June 23, 2006
BBQ cum Gathering
Saturday, June 10, 2006
concert "Autumn Nocturne"..
the folllowing songs: Long teng hu yue, feng shou luo gu, yao zu wu qu, ling zhong ye hui, chun dao xiang jiang(dizi solo), bumblebee & turkish march(mu qin solo),jing tai yang, san men xia, huang tu qing(suona solo), san liu, xi xun(yang qin solo)..
the ticket price is 14bucks.. it is not free seating but i have 11 tickets(one whole row, best if all nypco taking tat row.. hehe..).. so if u are interested plz approach mi.. Damien the Bass player.. =).. rest assure i wouldnt bite..
Regarding to SCO concert
here are the people who apply to watch SCO concerts this coming week.
16th June
Chen EnLing
Yang Su Jing
Du Rui
Zhang Guang Jun
Wang Jin Long
Lee Chin Yin
Ng Chien Wen Angeline
Jacqueline Leow
Chang Hoong Eng
Goh Chin Teck
Kwok Xiu Wen Cher
Tay Li Xin
Kartika Tjitra Salim
17th June
Wan Wing Chung
Tarurus Yap Zhi Qu
Li Xiao Lei
Ho Pei Shi
Soh Ting Jin Sherryl
Tay Li Yan
Tan Yan Jing Charissa
Lam Yuen Yee
Nurul Faleen Keisha
Eunice Tan
Tay Huey Yong Geneviene
Han Xing' Er
Lee Li Yi
Xian MengShan
Lee Chin Yin
Kwok Xiu Wen Cher
Hou Zhao Qi
You Jinfang
Teh Pei Lin Jasmine
Kartika Tjitra Salim
These people, please pay the full amount of money to xinger by this coming Monday (12th June).Each Tickets cost $14 dollar + additional $1 dollar sistic fees.
However, you will be able to get your $8 refund($7 dollar Subsidies + $1 dollar sistic fees)about 2- 5 weeks time after our subsidies proposal has been approved by our school.
For those who are going to Singapore conference hall for the first time, you have to take note these rules that set by SCO.
1)Foods and drinks are NOT allowed inside the concert hall (etc candy, coke). You are only allowed to bring plain water.
2)Camera, video camera and audio recording are NOT allowed inside the concert hall.
3)Attire on Slipper, short and t-shirt (ah gong style) are not allow to enter the concert hall.
4)If you are late for the concert, example concert start at 8pm and you come at 8.05 after the door close, you have to wait for the song end before entering to the concert hall.
Please follow these rules as to prevent the ushers who allocate around the concert hall to catch you breaking these rules.
have a great term break!
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Important notics...
These changers will only affect this coming week (5/6 -9/6 )
Tuesday practices
percussion-A240 (confirm)
erhu –Blk E 315 (have to check again)
sheng Blk E316 (have to check again)
Gu zheng -A242(confirm)
erhu- Blk E 314 (confirm)
ruan/yangqing- TFA(not confirm)
Wednesday practice
Pipa - A242
To SET A & B Sectional leader: those i written not confirm or have to check, please read the blog again at tuesday 9am as i will make some changers regarding to which room each section use.
If your section using Blk E room, please be reminded to redraw the keys at SAO before 5 pm on tuesday.
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
SCO concert program
ok here are the program for 16 june and 17 june concerts
Please send your name ,your admin number and which concerts you would like to go to xinger han_xinger@yahoo.com.sg by this wendesday (the latest) ...thanks each ticket cost 14 dollar. If got any discount on the ticket will let u know asap.
Concerto Marathon
日期 :16/6/06 (星期五)
一, ??与??
《喜送丰收?》Harvest Celebration 彭修文作曲
Soloist: 李新桂
二, 柳琴与??
《?族?情》?段 ??津作曲
Soloist: 司徒?男
三, 二胡与??
《病中吟》Moaning in Sickness ?天?作曲、彭修文?配
《Csardas》 Vittorio Monti作曲、(委?) ?培?移植
四, 笛子与?? (with cuts)
《敦煌印象》?段 莫凡作曲
Soloist: ??忠
五, 二胡与??
《第一二胡狂想曲》Erhu Rhapsody No 1 王建民作曲
Soloist: 朱霖
日期 :17/6/06 (星期六)
一, 笙?奏曲 (sheng ensemble)
《?堤?想》The Yangtze River Capriccio – Against the Flood 林??、王惠然、胡天泉作曲
Soloist: ?家?
二, 古??奏 (gu zheng solo)
《??夜泊》 王建民作曲
Soloist: ?徽
三, 二胡?奏曲 (erhu ensemble)
《心香》Xin Xiang ?季平作曲
Soloist: ?彬
四, 中阮?奏曲 (erhu ensemble)
《云南回?》Reminiscences of Yunnan ?星作曲
Soloist: 林惠?
五, 管子与??
《?河?夫》Trackers of Yellow River 周成?作曲
Soloist: ?雷
Submission Of CCA Points
You are reminded to submit your CCA point by the end of this week.
If you have problem submitting, or your cca point that you have submit, has been rejected, please contact and let sherryl know by this week.
We will not entertain any thing about the CCA Points after this week.
Chinese Orchestra
Monday, May 29, 2006
BaZaaR ~ 2nd June
This coming friday is a bazaar day.
This is a day where we can set up our booth to sell items that are being approved.
Item that we are selling: Hand Make Accessories
Stuff Toys
Date: 2nd June 2006
Venue: Sport Hall (Block G) ~ Stall no.15
Time: 11am to 6pm
Helpers: Koen(in charge), David, Sher, eunice, xiao chong and taurus
Please bring along your friends along to support us. Not just Support us, and also to help us by buying the items we are selling. The profits are us, with this profits, we are able to have more exciting activities, better games, outing and also better FOOD for us for our upcoming the BBQ. We really hope everyone tag your friends along down to the sport hall to our stalls to support us.. We need your support.
Thank you !!!
Chinese Orchestra
Seet HeQiang
Sunday, May 28, 2006
extra Percussion practice
these people listed below,plz take note that you have to come this wednesday( 31th may)5pm - 7pm for GUN HER TAO practice. IS A MUST TO COME AS this coming friday, we will be performing for JAM AND HOP at 6pm.
2)ying xing
4)teck han
5)yi hong
6)hai ping
8)ying shan*
9)xiao pang *
11) angeline *
Important notice! please read carefullly!
please take note that there will be NO practices for these sectional this coming week.(affected from 29 june to 2 june!)
7)combine practice
REASON: these sectional instructors are busy for this coming week.
SET A and B DIZI and SET B CELLO/BASS are still on this coming week......
Thursday, May 25, 2006
NDP concert~!
NDP coming soon !!~~ wanna go and watch NDP together? If so , what are you waiting for ,let go and e-balloting together!~ hehe
plz make ur application for NDP concert tickets at www.ndp.org.sg from 25 may to 4 june!!!
lets celebrate our nation birthday~!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
having DINNER together ~!(apply to all new and current members)
In order to bond us together and let our new members to feel that they are part of our big family, we encourage YOU to join us for dinner before every practices at 5.45pm (location for dinner mostly at food junction).
For every combine practice on wednesday, please wear our GREEN T-shirt if you can so that we can easily identify our own co members over there.
Hope to see you there!~^o^
PE day on every wednesday
Since wednesday is our combine practice and many of us are free after 3pm, we have decided to make wednesday a NYPCO Physical education day!( short term: PE)*horray*
well, is not Compulsory but we highly recommend YOU to join us for the fun!^o^v
The reason we are having this is because we must MAKE FULL USE OF OUR SCHOOL FACILITY!~(every sem student bill for Sports fees:$7.90) Plus to prevent us from falling sick~!
NYPCO PE day will start this coming wednesday at 4.30pm.Please bring along these items as stated below:
-extra t-shirt,short
-extra towel
-a pair of sport shoe
-admin card( for entering sport hall)
-body shampoo(optional)
The activities we recommend YOU to join are :
-2.4km run at NYP track (provided never rain)
-NYP gym
-playing badminton at NYP sports hall (bring your own racket hor )
-swimming (plz ask you friend who are very good in swimming to accompany you)
-playing tennis (bring your own racket hor )
-playing basketball
-playing soccer
For those who wanna play badminton ,tennis,soccer and basketball, please be reminded to book the court at e-services before playing.=)
Hope to see you with PE attire ~hohoho~=x
weilin ^v^v
Friday, May 19, 2006
Results are posted as follows.
Please attend the sectional practice as scheduled. Attendance will be mark for all lessons. If your name does not appear below please proceed to Chinese Orchestra room to look for HeQiang, Jacqueline or Weilin. For those that would like to appeal to another sectional group, please write your name on the paper pasted outside the CO Room and be present on Tuesday 6.30pm.
Work hard and put in your best effort to learn and to participate.
All the best and Good Luck
Percussion | ErHu |
065756N Wong Ka Ching 060308R Xu SiSi 050530Z Hu Xin 052336T James Lee 050116W Yu Yi 051142X Chen SiYing 061161L Kang Rui Wen 064487Q Goh Jia Yi 060333L Wu Wanping 060313X Yu Wei 060327Y Zhou Weiwei 060242T Shi Huan Huan 061405H LEE YI XIAN 061822Y TAN MING CHONG |
061006Z He WeiLun 060233K Liu Yang 063326X Hor Yin Xin 060272U Guo HaiYan 060256K Yang Xiao Ran 060281Y Liang Wan yun 060231J Liu CaiFang 050499S Yang Sujing 060330P Zhu Lin 060224Z He Yuan Yuan 060505F Wang Shuyue 064981H Lee Jia Yue 062003Q Goh PeiLin 050246S Sun Kai 052951N Priscilla Goh 060344F Dai Ziyu 052593M TAY HUI SHI MELISSA 062250U DANIEL TAN GUO XING |
PiPa | GuZheng |
060045F Jiang Yue 065652Z Wong Fang Cheng 050457U Li Lu Xuan 060289H Luo LiFang 060140Q Peng Lin 062145N Agnes Ang 060317B Zhang Fang 060273G Guo LiLi 061775D Ong Tong Ying 060257D Yang YaJing 054258Q QIAO MI |
063881Z Zhang Zhang 064053Y Lu Yuyuan, Wendy 061161L Kang Rui Wen 064487Q Goh Jia Yi 060034L Yang Jing Lin Yi 060120Y Li Jin Chi 050457U Li Lu Xuan 050541L Li Shi Zhen 060599S Yang Su Jing 050301Y Yang Yue Xiang 060339Z Li Pei 060280D Li Yan 060311T Ye Meng |
Zhong Ruan | Liu Qin |
060291S Malili 060220H Fan Shu na 060260C Yi HuanYing 053080G Tan Yue Fen 060542H Ruan Dong 061732C Chan DeMing 050532Q Jin Jing 060107S Man Zhu |
060259N Yao Yan 063016K Chong Qian Hui 060342G Li Yujie 060285R Liu Na 063016K Chong Qian Hui 063766Z Tan Siew Ling 060262R Zhang Jinghui 054784K Ivoy Chia 060280D Tian Ning 060239R Ruan Yanna 060244X Tian Ning 060311T YeMeng 061775D Ong Tong Ying 050115F Chen Ming |
Yang Qin | Cello |
060279K LiJing 064714F Wee Joe Fu 060228A Li Shu Chu 060249U Wang XiuJuan 060336X Han LiLI 060755U Bay Xuehui 060264L Zhao Lin 060309E XUE FANG |
060240E Shan Si Bi 053770G Edwin Chua 060253W Wu Liqiong 050511D Zheng Xiang 063361K Tan KaiTing 061817W Jannie Ngu Yee Lin 060243H Shi wenrui 060341U Bai Lin Lin 050142K Xing Li Jun |
Bass | Suona |
060316Z Zhang Ding Ding 060312H Yu Jun Jiao |
060245S Tian Ruijin 060343A Guo SaSa 064430X Lee Si Jie Condy 052905N Terence Lim 060256D Yang Ya Jing |
Zhong Yin Sheng | Gao Yin Sheng |
063235S Goh Yi Ling 060331R Zhu Yu 060290X Ma DeYing 060270Z Gao PeiPei 060261P Zhang HongYu |
060246M Wang Lidan 050467N Liu Shuai |
Dizi | |
060297A Qin Ting 062674N Mok Wng Xi Joanne 060293Z Mao Xue 050500M Yang YueXiang 065503N Clement Ng 064087M Shireen Fu 060340B Ren Shuxuan 054685S Deng Lu 053235X Ang Lay Teng 060294B Niu LinQin 063279H Ong Chin Guan 060286E Lu Huimin 060324Q Zhao Hong 052401P LYDIA LIM 060286E LU HUI MIN |
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Practice Dates....
Monday, May 08, 2006
All new members please note that this week will be the last week for all instruments workshop.
Please note that you have to submit your forms with your grades by next monday with your first 3 choice of instruments indicated .
Friday, May 05, 2006
Notes for Adding CCA Points
Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Movies
Sunday, April 30, 2006
How to submit CCA points
Click on the title for the link
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Lunch Time Concert
Please kindly note that there will be a lunch time concert on 3rd May , wednesday
All members pls kindly report to co room at 10 am sharp
Attire: Green CO T-Shirt
Songs that we are going to perform on that day are:
Gu yue
Gun he tao
Mambo Number 5
Colours of the wind
Chi dao shang de ye hui
When u believe
All members pls turn up for combine practice on tuesday which is very important as it will be the last combine practice before the lunch time concert
All new members are invited to go to the atrim from 12.30pm to 1.15 pm to view the performance
Sunday, April 23, 2006
ISBG perfromance
Please go to the e-service to submit the CCA point for the Friday (21/4) Perfromance.
The event title Chinese Orchestra - ISBG performance or CO-ISBG06 .
Please submit it asap.
Also thanks everyone for the effort that you've put in, in this perfromace. GREAT JOB!!
@@ Welcome @@
A warm welcome to all our freshies again. Hope you have enjoy the orientation with us conducted by our condutor and Student Leaders.
Up coming events is the workshops..
For those who haven already tick that you are coming for the monday (24 Apr) workshop, please be at Blk E level 3 (Above the North Canteen) by 6.15pm for attendance taking.
Just to inform everyone, attendance will be marked for all workshops, if you are late, please inform any of the student leader there.
Please do come back this website again for more details to be put up regarding for the workshops.
For more enquires you may contact me at 96288196 or email to heqiang4nypco@gmail.com.
Thanks you
Chinese Orchestra
Saturday, April 22, 2006
To new members without experience only ~
Hi hi ~
welcome all freshies for joining nyp_co this big & warmly family.....=)
for those who sign up our workshop yesterday,i have posted up the schedule for workshops in case you forgotten the time.
percussion & Erhu - 24/4
suona,gu zheng & ruan -25/4
Dizi,Sheng & Pipa - 27/4
4 /5
Cello & Bass - 28/4
we will post the name list for those down for the workshop asap~
Yours sincerely
practices time!
Hi peers!!
Welcome back to school and hope that all you have enjoyed you school holidays!~
well,just a reminder that all our practices are on starting on next week so please come back and be on time ya!~
combine practices
TUESDAY-(conduct by Mr Mike Chiang)
time-6.30pm- 9.30pm
sectional practices
Monday - Dizi (Mr Ang Ting Leong)
Suona (Mr Wong Chee Keong)
Cello (Mr Lee Hou Kun)
time-6.30pm- 9.30pm
Wednesday - Erhu (Mr Wong Sun Tat)
Percussion ( Mr Shen Guo Qin)
time-6.30pm- 9.30pm
Thursday - Plucking (Mr Goh Yew Guan)
Time: 6.30pm - 9.30pm
大???星期二 :(指?: ?景文老?)
*??: 晚上六?半到九?半
星期一: 笛子(洪鼎亮老?)
*??: 晚上六?半到九?半
星期三: 二胡(?晨?老?)
*??: 晚上六?半到九?半
星期四: ???(?友元老?)
*??: 晚上六?半到九?半
yours sincerely
weilin =D
Thursday, April 20, 2006
NYPCO Orientation
Thanks all for siging up for NYP Chinese Orchestra. Our orientation will be held this coming friday 21/4/2006 at CO RM... with 3 different time slots.
Erm....CO room is not a mysterious place....It jus beside the threater for art....open a blue door....walk in den can see our CO room le...Err....where is threater for art ah?! walk along the corridor at fast food side then will see the threater and blue door also.....^_=*....Hope you all find the way.....See u....
Jus want to say a big thank you to all members who have helped in 1 way or other be it performing or helping to get more people to join CO. Especially to those who stayed on to helped eventhough they were not scheduled to take care of the booth.... Once again, THANKS!
Sunday, April 16, 2006
People who need to come tuesday meeting!
these are the people who need to come for the meeting on tuesday nite.
He Qiang
Xing er
Yuan Zhen
Teck Han
Yuen Yee
Willeen Wong Chonglin
Tan Ying Xin
Zhang Xuan
Du Rui
from weilin
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
Please take that there will be extra practice for club crawl on
Monday, 17 april 2006
6.30 sharp
This is especially important for students that when back to china or went for attachment during the holidays....
For Clubcrawl Tuesday, 18 april 2006,
please meet in CO room at 10 am sharp
Attire: green CO tee shirt and jeans
excuse letter will be given from 9 am to 5pm
Please get from xinger if you still dont have the excuse letter
Wednesday 19 april 2006
meet in Co room at 10 am sharp
Attire open house 2006 t-shirt
Excuse letter will also be given
There will be no combine practice on tuesday
however, all commitee members please note that there will be a meeting in Co room instead
Sunday, February 19, 2006
3rd march 2006
Venue: Singapore Conference Hall
Ticket price : $18
some of the pieces are:
The whole concert will last for around 2 hrs 15 minutes. I believe most of our exams will be over by then so it will be good that we go and show our support and learn from them at the same time. Those who are interested kindly contact me@ 98259281 so that i can have a total of plp interested and tell zheng lao shi who will help us get the tickets. Meanwhile, good luck for all your exams. Jacqueline
Sunday, February 05, 2006
Schedule this week
7th FEB
Tues combine practice for Punggol Park
Colors of the Wind
Chi Dao Shang de Ye Hui
Xiao Dao Hui
You Yong De Ren
First Love
When you believe
Mambo #5
Even though we all know the pieces, please note that Zheng Lao Shi cannot come on the performance day because he has SCO performance, which means ME conduct... means you all must come or else the show will go haywire!
10th FEB
Percussion Ensemble ONLY
8.30am arrive at CO Room to shift instruments onto the lorry. Will reach back school by 1pm. Attire TBC
11th FEB
PUNGGOL PARK Performance
Arrival time TBE on Tues. The performance is at 5pm - 6pm, please invite your family and friends, if not we'll be performing to ghost. Reach back school by 7pm. All instruments to be cleared from storeroom by this evening.
Friday, February 03, 2006
Thank You gUys
Thank You for making the Starstruck celebration a sucess.However, please do not forget that our regular practices still continues.
There will be a Combine practice for the coming punggol park performance
Combine Practice will be on next tuesday, 7 Febuary 2006
Please be punctual and attend the practice.
Punggol park performance will be on 11 Febuary 2006, Saturday
Saturday, January 28, 2006
Friday, January 27, 2006
Star struck celebration party
The celebration will be on:3rd Febuary 2006
venue: E.308
Time: 6.30pm
Attire: top- star struck t-shirt
bottom- anything that is presentable( no shorts/ torn pants
shoes- mus be covered shoes no slippers!
Monday, January 23, 2006
Celebration Party
Send instant messages to your online friends http://asia.messenger.yahoo.com
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
I know it has been much effort and time put in for the concert, I appreciate all your sacrifices. However, this is not the end, we still have the OPEN HOUSE performances on 19th 20th 21st Jan. There won't be any CS helpers so every must perform. The songs are:
Chi dao shang de yue hui, matsuri, first love, mambo number 5.
TUESDAY 17th Jan
Combine Practice : Please attend, trust me, you'll realise your skills have deproved a lot and cannot play the songs le.
Thurs Fri Sat 11am
Meet at CO Room. Excuse letters will be given. Event ends at 1pm.
After this will be the celebration party which we will update soon. Thanks!
Study hard!
Starstruck Photo Album
Saturday, January 07, 2006
All those willing to contribute Starstruck photos can send to huayue@mywebbie.com
An official StarStruck photo site will be created.
Sunday, January 01, 2006
* Stage helpers (guys) to reach at 9am
* Percussion to reach at 12pm.