Saturday, January 13, 2007

Post Reminiscence

Hello PeepZ!

How was yesterday's performance? Hope you guys enjoyed it... i did. Felt reali relieved after the performance.

1st of all i would like to thank all my fellow performers really is 幸苦大家了。。。。

would like to extend my graditute to those who have helped me in planning the concert. people like hxp, rabbit tan, eunice,weilin,damien,koen,teck han, aaron,all the sectional leaders.

Big thank You for all the yr 3 members at attachment. it mus have been reali tired to travel ard everyday.

Also all the yr 3 seniors on fypj and tep it mus have been hard to squeeze time out

Every 1 who had came down today to help shift the instruments. Thanks too!

last bt not least. Every 1 that have played a part in the concert Which is You ! you ! and You!


Goodluck and study hard! Chiong for projects ar!!!!