Sunday, May 13, 2007

Annual Gathering!!

Guys! once again the annual gathering is coming soon!! this time, there will be interesting and exciting games to play and most of all is to interact with our new freshies!!

the purpose of this gathering is a bonding event for the freshies who shown great enthusiastic in learning to be proficient in at least one instrument before they graduated with the current CO members. Thank you people for chosen NYPCO! whoray!

during that day, a "thank you" party will be held for the ex-committee members who has made contributions and the commitments to the CO. We thank them too.

the gathering details is:

Date : Saturday, 26th Of May
Time : 1:45pm - 6pm*
Venue : Block E308

P.S. : All members please come for it and pass on the message to all the Year 1s to come too!! and the ending time is to be confirmed.

if there is any inquires, kindly call David at 91828362, 24/7. thank you.

this post is posted on behalf of David, NYPCO Logistic